Augmented Reality App Examples
Some of our example projects
Download one of the apps now and try Augmented Reality on your Smartphone or Tablet. Click on the Download Button or search for the respective app in the app store. Most of the AR Apps need Image-Markers (AR Marker), in order to show 3D models, animations and more digital contents. Let’s go, augment your reality.
On behalf of TERRITORY
'Lamborghini AR' App
The Lamborghini AR App replenishes the exclusive Lamborghini Magazine with digital contents. Different AR Features are shown on the pages of the magazine: 3D animations, Video-Overlapping, 360° view, YouTube-Links and other functions. IN the video you can see the animated editorial and speech of CEO Domenicali.
Project site: “Lamborghini AR” App
Update: Unfortunately the app is no longer available in the app stores.
On behalf of TERRITORY
'TÜV SÜD 150' App
To celebrate the 150th jubilee, an AR App for the TÜV SÜD jubilee book has been developed. Four of the highlights are, for instance, a video augmentation of the fastest roller coaster of the world in Dubai, two 2D-/3D-Animations of the origin story of the TÜV and the airport inspection area of the TÜV as well as an interactive 360 degree view of the opera house in Oslo. Furthermore, the whole book contains more than 40 additional AR Marker with links to websites.
Project site: “TÜV SÜD 150” App
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'uniTFT AR' App
For fair appearances and advertisement for the launch of the new uniTFT display, the uniTFT AR App has been developed. The app shows the uniTFT 3D Model that can be explored interactively. Next to an Image film and several explaining videos, the hardware option is the highlight of the app. Here, the 3D model can be seen from each side. On the front and backside, each component can be shown via touch In addition: the 3D model can be seen without AR Marker.
Project site: “uniTFT AR” App
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More interesting AR App examples
Since the origin of mobile AR in 2010, many exiting AR projects have been realized. in the following we have listed some of the most outstanding and well-known examples of various Companies and Developers.
AR with and without image markers
'IKEA Catalogue' App
After starting the app, choose the option “Place Furniture”. The App offers two AR variations:
Based on image markers: Show the products in real size in the room with the IKEA catalogue as AR Marker. The AR Marker functions as size relation
Without marker: Place IKEA Catalogue furniture in the room without marker
Update: This variant of the app is no longer available. IKEA is now using the “IKEA Place” app, see below.
Augmented Reality using ARKit technology
'IKEA Place' App
Thanks to Apple’s new ARKit technology the IKEA Place App can display furniture in real size. Compared to the above mentioned IKEA catalog app a marker isn’t needed anymore.
ARKit recognizes the real floor and correctly calculates the size of the virtual pieces of furniture.
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Location Based Augmented Reality
'Pokemon Go' App
Nintendo and Niantics, the companies behind the AR phenomenon of 2016, make Pokémon real. Based on a google Maps Gameworld, Pokémon are shown and every user can interact with them in his real environment with the help of an AR App, Smartphone and GPS. As soon as a certain distance between player and Pokémon falls below, the Pokémon can be seen in an AR view and caught. The video does not contain ingame footage, but shows an optimized vision of the game idea.
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Mixed Reality Hololens Examples
'HoloAnatomy' App
The HoloAnatomy App has been developed and published by the Case Western Reserve University. As an example for a Mixed Reality (MR) Education Application, the app shows very ipressively what can be possible with a combination of digital contents and the Microsoft HoloLens (ea. Voice control) in the field of education and training. The app also shows how pupils and students can benefit from such MR-Solutions regarding medicine.
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'Galaxy Explorer Project' App
The app helps its user to understand our galaxy. Planets and also the Milky Way are shown as a hologram in front of the users eyes and can be explored via gesture controlling. The App portrays impressively the usage of highly modern AR-/MR-Technology, how information can be processed in the future and how users can interact with them in the form of holograms.
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